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generative linguisticsの例文


  • He is a critic of Noam Chomsky's generative linguistics.
  • Therefore, generative linguistics attempts to predict grammaticality judgements exhaustively.
  • For example, generative linguistics and transformational grammar were exploited to improve the quality of translations.
  • The history of " Toward a Grammar of structuralist, others worked within generative linguistics ).
  • Cognitive linguistics, more than generative linguistics, seeks to mesh together these findings into a coherent whole.
  • Chomsky advocated generative linguistics, which is characterized by a subconscious, finite set of rules that can account for all grammatically correct linguistic transformations.
  • This leads to continual refinement of the theoretical machinery of generative linguistics in an attempt to account for as much syntactic variation in human language as possible.
  • Generative linguistics does not concentrate more on the structures / grammatical rule approach rather more interested in the relationship of language and behavior in achieving communication goals.
  • Later, it was used and redefined in generative linguistics, most famously by Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle, and remains central to many accounts of the development of modern phonology.
  • A new proposal that draws from generative linguistics has recently been put forward by Parsons ( currently under follow-up investigation by Angelo Mercado, whose analysis is available on line ).
  • There is a tendency for inter-paradigm critiques to focus on a number of assumptions that are commonly associated with P & P, but which actually are common to Chomskyan generative linguistics as a whole.
  • Through her interactions with the philosopher and logician Richard Montague at generative linguistics, formal logic, and analytic philosophy, pursuing an agenda pioneered by David Lewis in his 1970 article " General Semantics ".
  • This construction is called in generative linguistics subject-to-subject raising : the noun phrase ( in the accusative ) is detached from the infinitive and raised as the nominative subject of the matrix passive verb.
  • This problem of gradient well-formedness, uncertainty about the well-formedness of a particular example, is a problem for generative linguistics, which assumes that grammar follows some universal patterns that should not vary among speakers.
  • From a theoretical standpoint, and in the context of generative grammar, the MP draws on the minimalist approach of the principles and parameters program, considered to be the ultimate standard theoretical model that generative linguistics has developed since the 1980s.
  • Genetz has been considered a pioneer of modern morphology, as he described the Sami morphological variations in a modern way, using principles later employed in generative linguistics to understand both the deep and surface structure of the language, separating the description of the models.
  • His early research focused on generative linguistics and in 1975 defended his doctoral thesis " Aspectes de la subordinaci?en catal?actual : per una sintaxi abstracta " ( " On Aspects of the Current Catalan Subordination : Towards an Abstract Syntax " ).
  • It is the hypothesis that the underlying mechanisms ( the more basic elements ) posited by generative linguists are fundamentally psychological mechanisms and that generative linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology, but against mental states individuated solely by what happens inside the language user's head.
  • :: : I hope you guys are aware that Lakoff and Postal were leading names in the Generative Semantics movement, the late-1960's anti-Chomskyite secession within generative linguistics . . . talk ) 21 : 14, 24 February 2008 ( UTC)
  • He also played an indirect but potentially important part in establishing contemporary generative linguistics and cognitive science Noam Chomsky has credited Levi Della Vida with helping to stimulate his early interest in linguistics as an undergraduate, describing his course as'the one freshman course that I found really engaging '.
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